Thursday, February 5, 2009

HIIT Training: Four Secrets To Get Great Results

What you are going to read about are four secrets that can mean the difference between losing a minuscule amount of weight and an enormous amount of weight. HIIT Training is, in f
Marine of the United States Marine Corps runs ...Image via Wikipedia
act, difficult at the best of times. There are too many people who suffer through the pain of losing weight without achieving the results they really need. This piece explains the details and gives advice for you to heed in order to be able to lose large amounts of weight when you are doing HIIT training. You can use these tips with programs like Turbulence training for great results

The Secret is in the Intensity

You lose weight quickly with HIIT training because of a process called EPOC. EPOC is a reaction that happens in your body after you have done intense exercise and it relates to how long you burn fat after you have exercised. The volume and duration of EPOC is directly related to the amount of intensity you put into your intervals. An example of this is that EPOC will last for a few minutes after aerobic exercise and up to forty hours with HIIT Training done properly. So when you are in a sprint interval don't hold anything back.

Attention to the Recovery Interval Is the Key to Maximizing Intensity.

The majority of people still maintain a reasonably dynamic speed in their rest intervals, wrongly thinking that this additional exertion may help them to lose more fat at the end of the day. Sadly, this is not true at all. Rest intervals are crucial at allowing you to recuperate sufficiently so that you can do your best in your sprint interval. You can also reduce speed to a snail's pace if it helps you to recuperate sufficiently, the idea being that you regain adequate energy to give it your all once more.

You Create Intensity with Power, not Speed.

You probably have no problem pedaling really quickly on a stationary bike with the resistance set at 1. You can blaze through your workout, but here's the problem: EPOC isn't happening. To see how this works, crank up the resistance and evaluate the results; it's suddenly a lot tougher when you've got resistance to contend with. This jump-starts rapid weight loss.

Eat Before you Exercise

Have you always thought you shouldn't eat right before you exercise? The good news is that this is not true. Research has revealed that whether you eat or not doesn't make any difference in your weight loss. So what is the reason for eating? In fact, the research proved that the intensity of the intervals increased after the athletes were fed. They were able to work out harder and for a longer period than when they didn't eat. Higher intensity causes more EPOC and therefore more fat is lost over the long haul.

For more information and cracking interval routines visit
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